ROI·DNA's Austin Office has officially launched

August 22, 2019

We are stoked to announce the official opening of our second office, right in the heart of Austin, Texas.

As of Wednesday, August 21st, we have a fully-functioning office in downtown Austin, in a well-equipped, perfectly-located WeWork space (did we mention they’re one of our clients and we love what they do?). We’ve, of course, also assembled a crew of wicked-smart ROIers to staff our Austin office and to bring that Texas spirit to digital marketing (yee-haw!). We’re also hiring in Austin and SF, if you happen to be looking.

Why, Austin, you might ask? Other than the fact that Austin has the highest amount of live music venues per capita and is known for its amazing barbeque… it is also quickly blossoming into one of the country’s fastest-growing tech hubs. There are some very notable companies with a presence in Austin including Amazon (also one of our awesome clients), Apple, Dell (who has been in Austin since the 1980s), IBM, and some innovative start-ups like Better Living Technologies, Care2Rock, and Diligent Robotics.

We’re excited to now have a presence among these names. The opening of our Austin office will also help give additional hours of support to our clients around the country and our San Francisco-based team. If you want to grab a beer or coffee with our Austin (or SF) team(s) and talk digital marketing, drop us a line!

Check out a few photos of our team and our WeWork space:

Austin WeWork Office ROI Values Austin Team Austin Team

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