ROI·DNA Reads: Paper, the new app by Facebook

March 17, 2014
ROI-DNA Reads_ Paper, the new app

Our take on digital marketing news and trends


We read about how Facebook’s new Paper app is mixing up the social stream experience with unique design concepts.

Here’s what we think:

Facebook’s new iPhone app, Paper, isn’t just an update on its current mobile version – it’s a complete re-imagining of the entire news feed, with a highly stylized take on user interface.

Here’s why it’s a step in the right direction:

  • Innovative UI – Relies on gestures and tilts to navigate its multiple screens; plus, no buttons
  • Horizontal scrolling – Tries to capture the aesthetic and feel of a book or magazine
  • Curated content – Facebook’s Paper team selects stories that appear as media cards across an array of categories (swipe up to read from the original source)

Whether or not Paper users take advantage of its narrative-friendly setup, we love the app’s radical take on UI and clean, laid-back design.

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